Codenames AI
This codenames app is an Android app able to play the role of spymaster in a game of codenames autonomously....
ME310 is a Stanford class focused on design and innovation. Students work on teams with a corporate partner to solve...
ME218C is a Stanford class where you learn about communication protocols and how to implement them on a microcontroller. This...
ME218A is a Stanford class where you learn and apply complicated mechatronics. We learn about practical circuit design including motor...
ME218A is a Stanford class that serves as an introduction to mechatronics. We learn about practical circuit design including transistors,...
Alulu Camera
The Alulu Camera is a camera that takes a picture and instantly prints it out, just like a Polaroid camera....
Assistant Researcher in Biomedical Manufacturing
Shih Lab, University of Michigan, As a part of the SURE undergraduate summer research program, I worked in the University...
Thettle is a startup I created along with two other people. Our goal was to make a product that combines...
When wear a pair of jeans or a sweater once, it is now too dirty to put back in your...
Michigan Hybrid/Electric Racing
Hybrid racing is a team that builds a formula one style hybrid race car that competes against other student teams...
All-terrain Wheelchair
For my mechanical engineering senior design project, I worked on a team of 7 people to build an all-terrain wheelchair....
Etsy Store Owner
The summer after my freshman year of college, I started an Etsy store. I make stuffed animals modeled after “Totoro”,...
As a personal project, I made a stroboscope. It features 24 images on a spinning disc with strobe lights that...
SolidWorks CAD Designer
Tangent Scale Models Tangent is a hobby company that makes 1:87.1 model train cars for hobbyists and train enthusiasts. The...
Booze Bag
Classic Drinking Re-imagined Introducing Booze Bag Everyone knows that drinking wine out of a soda can is the ideal way...
Iron Man
Iron Man is an innovation on the design of the average clothes iron. It can be folded, making it more...
ME 350 is a mechatronics class every mechanical engineering student takes at the University of Michigan. In this class, students...
ME 250 is a mechanical design and manufacturing course every mechanical engineering student takes at the University of Michigan. Students...